During a recent training seminar informing patients how to appeal for IVF funding the arguments presented included just how successful IVF was.
In any natural cycle the chances of successful conception for a woman aged 20-25 are just 25%; so IVF appears to be at least 100% successful in restoring the 'natural success rate' and more so when you think the national average for successful IVF in 2008 was over 30% for anyone under 35 years of age.
Sadly public opinion seems incredibly hard to change, especially for those with no experience or understanding of the impact of infertiity. Cutting or suspending funding for IVF can be seen as a positive move for cash strapped PCTs, it was interesting that on the same course we were able to share the findings of the last Fertility Tourism survey where around 70% of people said they would consider going overseas for treatment - where there is often much less regulation, possibly leading to a much higher drain on NHS resources through increased numbers of multiple births.
If you're willing to help educate the public to the realities of infertility you can get in touch with Susan - she's just about to go off for a fabulous holiday to mark her 'special' birthday; we hope she has a great time and comes back in a couple of weeks in full combat mode ready to fight the ongoing injustices in IVF funding.
Sheena was busy last week re-jigging the 'fun'draising forum; she would be delighted to hear about any of your 'fun'draising plans for the future. We are able to provide you with a web page, online donations/sponsorship and will promote your event or activity through our social networks too. Sheena has also been working on national and regional charitable trust and grant applications. An ongoing essential task which enables the charity to run smoothly.
Kate is attending a meeting with the HFEA this week and also meeting at the London Support Group, Kate is looking for more volunteers to help run the group so do get in touch if you think you can help, email Kate here.
Sharon has had a busy start to the week attending a counselling service meeting yesterday and today speaking to midwives at Belfast City Hospital. Recognising the impact of infertility on pregnancy can often be hard to understand for many medical staff, often assuming that now you're pregnant you can relax an be happy. Often there's a whole mix of emotions and the ability to have a relaxing pregnancy can seem like a fantasy. ACeBabes has an active NI group, do see the ACeBabes website and forums for updates.
Fiona has been working with local clinics and hospitals to raise awareness of the local support groups for ll parts of the charity. We have some really active volunteers in Northern ireland, for Infertility Network UK, More To Life and ACeBabes. If you're interested in volunteering in any capacity do get in touch with Diane, as well as being our PAL (Professional Advice Line) Diane is our volunteer co-ordinator. You can call Diane through the main office on 0800 008 7464.
Gwenda has been attending meetings both online and through conference calls regards the funding situation in Scotland. Gwenda has also been working to set up new regional support groups. If you're interested do get in touch with Gwenda
We're still being busy behind the scenes working on plans to make our online community busier and more engaging, do keep your ideas coming. You can follow all parts of the charity on Facebook and on Twitter, details below.
Infertility Network UK on Twitter on Facebook
More To Life on Twitter on Facebook
ACeBabes on Twitter on Facebook
As always for advice, support or information do get in touch