WOW! The only word to describe the first ever MTL Day workshop & seminars. Over 80 people attended the event; feedback has been incredibly positive.
The day was opened by Clare Lewis-Jones, Chief Executive followed by the first speaker Jayne Williamson, an Infertility Counsellor and Art Therapist who shared some great ideas. Next a workshop by Vivienne Edgecombe, this including using EFT as a strategy for helping to get life back on track. It's used quite widely with people for all sorts of issues - it can help when going through infertility, moving on to living a fulfilled childless life and in parenting after infertility. More information is going to be included in our next eNewsletter and in the I N UK magazine too.
The break for refreshments was a great opportunity to meet other members and confirm plans for the member activities taking place that evening and on the Sunday.
Hazel Hodge next shared many useful tips and strategies for living a fulfilled life; the day closed with Rachel Ormrod, Co-author Beyond Childlessness with a talk entitled "Surviving then Thriving!" Having personal experiences shared openly and honestly really seemed to make a huge difference to those in the audience. Making it easier to relate to how incorporating coping strategies wasn't a sign of weakness - but instead showed strength and a way forward. A selection of books suggested during the day are now included in their own section in the More To Life (Amazon) Bookshop
The day was organised by Kate Brian, Regional Organiser for London and the South East. Suggestions for the day came from staff, members of MTL and members of the Steering Committee. All agreed the day was really helpful for members and those contemplating ending treatment.
Flowers were presented at the end of the day to Kate for doing such a smashing job and to Judy Wingrove a long standing MTL member and volunteer in recognition for her work over many years.
Several regional groups met on the same day to mark the first MTL Day. The next MTL Newsletter will include information on all regional groups, but don't forget to see the forums for get togethers too. MTL Forums