Tuesday, 15 March 2011

What we're up to - week commencing 14th March...

Our staff training days last week were a great success, we got a lot covered including reviews of regional projects, updates on national & regional events, risk assessments and a review of our social networking policy and forthcoming changes to the website - more will follow soon! But as you'll see the first change acted upon is to open up our blog!

Our blog will be the key portal for staying up to date with I N UK and what's happening.  In order to make us more efficient we're having to say goodbye to our facebook groups and welcome our new facebook pages.  We can update the pages and tweet direct from our blog so time will be saved and more staff will be able to provide all interested parties with information and news - as it happens.

Clare Lewis Jones our Chief Executive is this week continuing with staff appraisals, meeting with our corporate partners, working on our funding campaign by attending three meetings as well as catching up with last weeks correspondence and working with the media as part of the ongoing press interest following the launch of the SHE Fairtility campaign. Clare will also be in London on Saturday attending the More To Life Day 2011 workshops & seminars.

Kate our London & South East Regional Organiser is organising MTL DAY and is ensuring all plans are now finalised for the day to ensure a success for the delegates.  There are still a few tickets left, but do be quick, it would be a shame to miss out.  Recognising some people have to travel and that cost is an ever present issue we have a full afternoon planned with a start time of 1.30 enabling people to travel.  The non-member attendance fee of only £15 shows the day is subsidised to be open to as many people as possible.

Helen our Regional Organiser for the East Midlands, Leeds & Sheffield is sadly unwell at the moment, we all wish her a speedy recovery.

Gwenda our Scottish Branch Co-ordinator had a session yesterday learning how the Infertility Network UK, More To Life & ACeBabes websites work with a view to joining the web-admin team as part of her role.  Gwenda is keen to increase the use of the forums and chatrooms for her regional members.  This week Gwenda is also working on regional funding opportunities, continuing the Scottosh Health Board project and ensuring Scottish clinics have patient information packs available.

Sharon and Fiona our NI based team have lots happening including contacting & confirming speakers for regional support groups, two hospital visits and a possible third to a new clinic.  Sharon is also working on a new NI GP newsletter and organising a volunteer training day.  (Thursday is St Patrick's day so we wish both Sharon & Fiona a fun day!)

Claire continues to work on the next magazine, please do send in your stories, shared experiences, article suggestions and/or book reviews. 

Sheena continues to work on sourcing new funding streams, this includes grants - regional & national, company fundraising events, individual findraising events and basically anything else possible to bring in much needed funds.  As always she'd love to hear your suggestions too.

Susan has been working with the media following the SHE Fairtility launch yesterday, another reminder that we'd love you to sign the petition.  It makes more sense as a small charity to use the resources of a larger company to maximise the impact of the petition by getting as many people to sign as possible. Please do sign, share the link and if you feel able - in any capacity, to help spread the word do get in touch. If you're willing to speak to the media get in touch with Susan and if you'd like to volunteer - sharing leaflets &/or posters, organising a group, helping with the website then please do contact Diane, our Volunteer Co-ordinator.

We're all here to help you too!  Do get in touch any time, we'd love to hear from you.

Contact information for all staff is available here: http://tinyurl.com/Contact-INUK