Monday, 14 March 2011

SHE Magazine today launched their own campaign for fair access to fertility treatment for patients.  According to their survey Two thirds of women would go as far as to consider moving house to get free IVF treatment on the NHS and one in four women have visited their GP to discuss their fertility concerns.  They surveyed 1000 women to reveal the extent to which British women are concerned about their fertility and the results have revealed infertility and denied access to treatment has major consequences:

Read their press release here
and  go on line and sign the petition

Clare Lewis-Jones CEO of The Infertility Network said:
“The results of the SHE survey support what we are hearing each and every day. The World Health Organisation recognises infertility as a disease.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence produced a clinical guideline on the treatment of infertility including recommendations on what should be available on the NHS.

The previous Government and the current Government support NHS funding for infertility. Yet, for many, NHS is simply not an option purely because of their postcode! This is a totally cruel, unjustifiable and unacceptable situation which simply must end, and end quickly before it is too late for those affected and they face a life without children which for many is too awful to contemplate.You can read related stories here:

If you care about infertility there are three (or more!) things you can do next:

1) Sign the petition
2) Contradict the expected annoying comments added by people with little understanding of the issues around infertility - please post a reply and if possible mention Infertility Network Uk so people know they can easily access factual information, support & advice.
3) If you're willing to add your voice to our ongoing battles to raise awareness and fight for funding then please contact Susan Seenan She is always being asked for case studies of people willing to share their experience - wherever you are in your journey now, you CAN help to make a real difference.