Tuesday, 22 March 2011

What we're up to - week commencing 21st March

If you're keeping up to date with our blog you'll have seen that the first MTL Day took place on Saturday, Clare Lewis-Jones, Tracey Sainsbury & Kate Brian attended; who along with the MTL Steering Committee ensured the day went to plan.

But just because staff worked the weekend does not mean we now have an easy week!  Clare spent the start of the week with conference calls then moved on to preparation in anticipation of the Fertility Europe meeting in Prague on Thursday & Friday this week.  Tuesday and Wednesday are in London with HFEA meetings and getting together with a magazine editor to look at NHS IVF Funding, whilst still managing to find the time to fit in another conference call.

Kate, who organised the MTL day is not having a well earned rest, instead she's catching up with Admin from the MTL day, attending the Asian Support Group meeting on Wednesday, attending a meeting regards NHS Funding and attending the Brighton & Hove support group on Thursday. 

We were sadly not able to provide enough case studies for the press interest generated around the More To Life Day, we are always keen to hear from anyone willing to work with the media to raise awareness - not just on involuntary childlessness - on infertility in general, on parenting after infertility - in all honesty on anything at all infertility related.  If you are willing to help please do get in touch with Susan Seenan.

Helene is sadly off work at the moment, we all send get well wishes.

Gwenda has been busy at the Scottish Branch, this week she'll be speaking with a regional Health Board, preparing for the National Group Meeting in Edinburgh on Wednesday, working on funding applications and meeting with one of the regional consultants.  Gwenda's also been working to ensure regional members know of other useful local resources.

Over in Northern Ireland Sharon & Fiona have been evaluating the series of Think Positive workshops.  Fiona has been ion contact with regional group confirming dates which will be added to the NI forum shortly. Sharon is also visiting a regional clinic, distributing the NI GP Newsletter and attending a Volunteer Training workshop.

Claire is busy working on the next magazine and newsletter, she would love to have more of your stories for future editions.  Do email Claire here: Email Editor

Sheena & Tracey have this week been looking at ways to have more video content on our website and to make the fundraising section more 'fun'!  All suggestions welcome.

This may have been said somewhere recently - but there's still time to sign up for the eNewsletter before the next one comes out.  You can sign up on any page on the I N UK website in the box on the lower left hand side.

We hope you all have a good week