Tuesday, 29 March 2011

What we're up to - week commencing 28th March...

This week sees lots of campaigning work going on behind the scenes.  Clare Lewis-Jones is meeting with several MPs this week to discuss NHS IVF finding and the need to work towards full implementation of the NICE Guidelines. Clare is also working with other organisations on the plan to move towards Single Embryo Transfer. 

During a recent training seminar informing patients how to appeal for IVF funding the arguments presented included just how successful IVF was. 
In any natural cycle the chances of successful conception for a woman aged 20-25 are just 25%; so IVF appears to be at least 100% successful in restoring the 'natural success rate' and more so when you think the national average for successful IVF in 2008 was over 30% for  anyone under 35 years of age. 

Sadly public opinion seems incredibly hard to change, especially for those with no experience or understanding of the impact of infertiity.  Cutting or suspending funding for IVF can be seen as a positive move for cash strapped PCTs, it was interesting that on the same course we were able to share the findings of the last Fertility Tourism survey where around 70% of people said they would consider going overseas for treatment - where there is often much less regulation, possibly leading to a much higher drain on NHS resources through increased numbers of multiple births. 

If you're willing to help educate the public to the realities of infertility you can get in touch with Susan - she's just about to go off for a fabulous holiday to mark her 'special' birthday; we hope she has a great time and comes back in a couple of weeks in full combat mode ready to fight the ongoing injustices in IVF funding.

Sheena was busy last week re-jigging the 'fun'draising forum; she would be delighted to hear about any of your 'fun'draising plans for the future.  We are able to provide you with a web page, online donations/sponsorship and will promote your event or activity through our social networks too. Sheena has also been working on national and regional charitable trust and grant applications.  An ongoing essential task which enables the charity to run smoothly.

Kate is attending a meeting with the HFEA this week and also meeting at the London Support Group, Kate is looking for more volunteers to help run the group so do get in touch if you think you can help, email Kate here.

Sharon has had a busy start to the week attending a counselling service meeting yesterday and today speaking to midwives at Belfast City Hospital.  Recognising the impact of infertility on pregnancy can often be hard to understand for many medical staff, often assuming that now you're pregnant you can relax an be happy.  Often there's a whole mix of emotions and the ability to have a relaxing pregnancy can seem like a fantasy.  ACeBabes has an active NI group, do see the ACeBabes website and forums for updates.

Fiona has been working with local clinics and hospitals to raise awareness of the local support groups for ll parts of the charity.  We have some really active volunteers in Northern ireland, for Infertility Network UK, More To Life and ACeBabes. If you're interested in volunteering in any capacity do get in touch with Diane, as well as being our PAL (Professional Advice Line) Diane is our volunteer co-ordinator.  You can call Diane through the main office on 0800 008 7464.

Gwenda has been attending meetings both online and through conference calls regards the funding situation in Scotland.  Gwenda has also been working to set up new regional support groups.  If you're interested do get in touch with Gwenda

We're still being busy behind the scenes working on plans to make our online community busier and more engaging, do keep your ideas coming. You can follow all parts of the charity on Facebook and on Twitter, details below.

Infertility Network UK on Twitter on Facebook 
More To Life on Twitter on Facebook
ACeBabes on Twitter on Facebook 

As always for advice, support or information do get in touch

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

What we're up to - week commencing 21st March

If you're keeping up to date with our blog you'll have seen that the first MTL Day took place on Saturday, Clare Lewis-Jones, Tracey Sainsbury & Kate Brian attended; who along with the MTL Steering Committee ensured the day went to plan.

But just because staff worked the weekend does not mean we now have an easy week!  Clare spent the start of the week with conference calls then moved on to preparation in anticipation of the Fertility Europe meeting in Prague on Thursday & Friday this week.  Tuesday and Wednesday are in London with HFEA meetings and getting together with a magazine editor to look at NHS IVF Funding, whilst still managing to find the time to fit in another conference call.

Kate, who organised the MTL day is not having a well earned rest, instead she's catching up with Admin from the MTL day, attending the Asian Support Group meeting on Wednesday, attending a meeting regards NHS Funding and attending the Brighton & Hove support group on Thursday. 

We were sadly not able to provide enough case studies for the press interest generated around the More To Life Day, we are always keen to hear from anyone willing to work with the media to raise awareness - not just on involuntary childlessness - on infertility in general, on parenting after infertility - in all honesty on anything at all infertility related.  If you are willing to help please do get in touch with Susan Seenan.

Helene is sadly off work at the moment, we all send get well wishes.

Gwenda has been busy at the Scottish Branch, this week she'll be speaking with a regional Health Board, preparing for the National Group Meeting in Edinburgh on Wednesday, working on funding applications and meeting with one of the regional consultants.  Gwenda's also been working to ensure regional members know of other useful local resources.

Over in Northern Ireland Sharon & Fiona have been evaluating the series of Think Positive workshops.  Fiona has been ion contact with regional group confirming dates which will be added to the NI forum shortly. Sharon is also visiting a regional clinic, distributing the NI GP Newsletter and attending a Volunteer Training workshop.

Claire is busy working on the next magazine and newsletter, she would love to have more of your stories for future editions.  Do email Claire here: Email Editor

Sheena & Tracey have this week been looking at ways to have more video content on our website and to make the fundraising section more 'fun'!  All suggestions welcome.

This may have been said somewhere recently - but there's still time to sign up for the eNewsletter before the next one comes out.  You can sign up on any page on the I N UK website in the box on the lower left hand side.

We hope you all have a good week


WOW! The only word to describe the first ever MTL Day workshop & seminars.  Over 80 people attended the event; feedback has been incredibly positive. 

The day was opened by Clare Lewis-Jones, Chief Executive followed by the first speaker Jayne Williamson, an Infertility Counsellor and Art Therapist who shared some great ideas.  Next a workshop by Vivienne Edgecombe, this including using EFT as a strategy for helping to get life back on track.  It's used quite widely with people for all sorts of issues - it can help when going through infertility, moving on to living a fulfilled childless life and in parenting after infertility.  More information is going to be included in our next eNewsletter and in the I N UK magazine too.

The break for refreshments was a great opportunity to meet other members and confirm plans for the member activities taking place that evening and on the Sunday. 

Hazel Hodge next shared many useful tips and strategies for living a fulfilled life; the day closed with Rachel Ormrod, Co-author Beyond Childlessness with a talk entitled "Surviving then Thriving!"  Having personal experiences shared openly and honestly really seemed to make a huge difference to those in the audience.  Making it easier to relate to how incorporating coping strategies wasn't a sign of weakness - but instead showed strength and a way forward.  A selection of books suggested during the day are now included in their own section in the More To Life (Amazon) Bookshop

The day was organised by Kate Brian, Regional Organiser for London and the South East.  Suggestions for the day came from staff, members of MTL and members of the Steering Committee.  All agreed the day was really helpful for members and those contemplating ending treatment.

Flowers were presented at the end of the day to Kate for doing such a smashing job and to Judy Wingrove a long standing MTL member and volunteer in recognition for her work over many years.

Several regional groups met on the same day to mark the first MTL Day.  The next MTL Newsletter will include information on all regional groups, but don't forget to see the forums for get togethers too.  MTL Forums

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

What we're up to - week commencing 14th March...

Our staff training days last week were a great success, we got a lot covered including reviews of regional projects, updates on national & regional events, risk assessments and a review of our social networking policy and forthcoming changes to the website - more will follow soon! But as you'll see the first change acted upon is to open up our blog!

Our blog will be the key portal for staying up to date with I N UK and what's happening.  In order to make us more efficient we're having to say goodbye to our facebook groups and welcome our new facebook pages.  We can update the pages and tweet direct from our blog so time will be saved and more staff will be able to provide all interested parties with information and news - as it happens.

Clare Lewis Jones our Chief Executive is this week continuing with staff appraisals, meeting with our corporate partners, working on our funding campaign by attending three meetings as well as catching up with last weeks correspondence and working with the media as part of the ongoing press interest following the launch of the SHE Fairtility campaign. Clare will also be in London on Saturday attending the More To Life Day 2011 workshops & seminars.

Kate our London & South East Regional Organiser is organising MTL DAY and is ensuring all plans are now finalised for the day to ensure a success for the delegates.  There are still a few tickets left, but do be quick, it would be a shame to miss out.  Recognising some people have to travel and that cost is an ever present issue we have a full afternoon planned with a start time of 1.30 enabling people to travel.  The non-member attendance fee of only £15 shows the day is subsidised to be open to as many people as possible.

Helen our Regional Organiser for the East Midlands, Leeds & Sheffield is sadly unwell at the moment, we all wish her a speedy recovery.

Gwenda our Scottish Branch Co-ordinator had a session yesterday learning how the Infertility Network UK, More To Life & ACeBabes websites work with a view to joining the web-admin team as part of her role.  Gwenda is keen to increase the use of the forums and chatrooms for her regional members.  This week Gwenda is also working on regional funding opportunities, continuing the Scottosh Health Board project and ensuring Scottish clinics have patient information packs available.

Sharon and Fiona our NI based team have lots happening including contacting & confirming speakers for regional support groups, two hospital visits and a possible third to a new clinic.  Sharon is also working on a new NI GP newsletter and organising a volunteer training day.  (Thursday is St Patrick's day so we wish both Sharon & Fiona a fun day!)

Claire continues to work on the next magazine, please do send in your stories, shared experiences, article suggestions and/or book reviews. 

Sheena continues to work on sourcing new funding streams, this includes grants - regional & national, company fundraising events, individual findraising events and basically anything else possible to bring in much needed funds.  As always she'd love to hear your suggestions too.

Susan has been working with the media following the SHE Fairtility launch yesterday, another reminder that we'd love you to sign the petition.  It makes more sense as a small charity to use the resources of a larger company to maximise the impact of the petition by getting as many people to sign as possible. Please do sign, share the link and if you feel able - in any capacity, to help spread the word do get in touch. If you're willing to speak to the media get in touch with Susan and if you'd like to volunteer - sharing leaflets &/or posters, organising a group, helping with the website then please do contact Diane, our Volunteer Co-ordinator.

We're all here to help you too!  Do get in touch any time, we'd love to hear from you.

Contact information for all staff is available here: http://tinyurl.com/Contact-INUK

Monday, 14 March 2011

SHE Magazine today launched their own campaign for fair access to fertility treatment for patients.  According to their survey Two thirds of women would go as far as to consider moving house to get free IVF treatment on the NHS and one in four women have visited their GP to discuss their fertility concerns.  They surveyed 1000 women to reveal the extent to which British women are concerned about their fertility and the results have revealed infertility and denied access to treatment has major consequences:

Read their press release here
and  go on line and sign the petition

Clare Lewis-Jones CEO of The Infertility Network said:
“The results of the SHE survey support what we are hearing each and every day. The World Health Organisation recognises infertility as a disease.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence produced a clinical guideline on the treatment of infertility including recommendations on what should be available on the NHS.

The previous Government and the current Government support NHS funding for infertility. Yet, for many, NHS is simply not an option purely because of their postcode! This is a totally cruel, unjustifiable and unacceptable situation which simply must end, and end quickly before it is too late for those affected and they face a life without children which for many is too awful to contemplate.You can read related stories here:





If you care about infertility there are three (or more!) things you can do next:

1) Sign the petition
2) Contradict the expected annoying comments added by people with little understanding of the issues around infertility - please post a reply and if possible mention Infertility Network Uk so people know they can easily access factual information, support & advice.
3) If you're willing to add your voice to our ongoing battles to raise awareness and fight for funding then please contact Susan Seenan She is always being asked for case studies of people willing to share their experience - wherever you are in your journey now, you CAN help to make a real difference.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Now less than a week to go til the More To Life Day 2011 Workshops/ Seminars

Less than a week to go until our first MTL DAY 2011; the first day organised by More To Life specifically for anyone living involuntarily childless.

The success of The Fertility Show and in previous years National Infertility Day have shown the importance of having events specifically for those experiencing infertility.

A place to hear relevant speakers, join in discuaaions you know will be of interest and meet up with others all under one roof.

MTL Day 2011 is for people who have discontinued assisted conception treatment and are not planning to adopt.  The day includes sessions on Surviving the Thriving and living childless but happily.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Our first Blog!


Welcome to the Infertility Network UK blog!

Here you'll find out what we're up to, have easy access to our tweets and stay in touch with the charity that supports everyone who is or who has experienced infertility.

Here are a few links that may be of interest; you'll see we are MUCH more than 'just' a website!

Infertility Network UK Our homepage

Funding For Fertility The UK NHS IVF funding information gateway - find out what your PCT or Health Board offers, find information on your local situation and appeals process

More To Life comes under the umbrella of Infertility Network UK, providing ongoing support to anyone living involuntarily childless

ACeBabes comes under the umbrella of Infertility Network UK, providing ongoing support to anyone parenting following infertility; through assisted conception, surrogacy, adoption, fostering or any other means