Wednesday, 22 June 2011

What we're up to week commencing 20th June...


all future posts will be on our HealthUnlocked blogsite...

We are now in the final stages of next weeks changes to the website, increasing the range of support services available to everyone experiencing infertility - and beyond.  There may be some downtime with the website on Tuesday, we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused, please do use the telephone support available, our staff and volunteers are all here to help.

Clare and Sheena had an exciting start to the week interviewing to fill our current vacancies, we look forward to sharing news of new appointments shortly - but we can now share that Susan Seenan our current Communications Officer will become the Infertility Network UK Deputy Chief Executive from early next month.

Clare is also this week attending a meeting regards the new NICE Fertility Guidelines, attending an all day meeting with a new group called PREPARE, Patient Led Research into Early Pregnany and Reproduction and attending the I N UK Board Meeting this weekend.

Sharon is this week delivering a presentation to the Health Committee and meeting with Commissioners, she is also working with local members and implementing a social networking strategy for Infertility Network UK in Northern Ireland. Fiona is working with local groups and preparing information for a women's network.

Gwenda is also spending time this week looking at how the Scottish Branch can maximise the use of social networking, Gwenda is also promoting regional support groups and speaking with regional members, as well as following up funding enquiries.

Gwenda is also facilitating next weeks Monday night online support group.  If you've not tried it before do drop in. 

Hope you all have a good week

Monday, 20 June 2011

Fertility Europe - Special Families

European Patient Organisation
Fertility Europe
launches the
Special Families Campaign

Please do send your own special family postcard through the link above. 

Thursday, 16 June 2011

What we're up to week commencing 13th May...

This week sees us asking for a few minutes of your time as we launch the 2011 Patient Survey.

Infertility Patient Survey 2011

Infertility Network UK leads the National Infertility Awareness Campaign (NIAC) which works on behalf of infertility patients throughout the UK to end the postcode lottery and replace this with a fair and equitable infertility service for every patient irrespective of where they live.

You may see copies of a poster in your clinic highlighting this patient survey which NIAC is conducting to help us to build a picture of the problems people encounter in accessing NHS treatment and which we can use to ensure your experiences are highlighted and help us in our fight for better NHS funding

The NICE Fertility Guidance issued in 2004 which was based on clinical effectiveness as well as cost effectiveness recommended that eligible couples in England and Wales, where the woman is aged between 23 and 39, should receive three full cycles of treatment. Over the last few years we have seen a gradual improvement in the provision of treatment by many Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in England, however we know that some still refuse to fund treatment, or provide only one cycle with others implementing restrictive access criteria.  This is totally unfair on patients – after all access to treatment should not be dependent on your postcode!  Patients in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can also often face problems in accessing treatment.

We hope as many patients as possible will complete the survey which only takes a few minutes to complete on line at and we can send copies of the survey out to anyone who can’t complete the on line version – just contact us on 0800 008 7464 or email

Please share details of the survey with other patients, including those who may have finished treatment – the more patients who complete the survey the better able we will be to build up an accurate picture of the problems being encountered by patients.  Remember, we can only help you to fight for fair and equitable NHS funding if you help us.

In addition to the survey launch this week Clare has been working on funding issues and visiting a London clinic as well as speaking with Fertility Europe.  Clare and Susan have also been contributing on a paper to be discussed at the ESHRE Annual Meeting in Stockholm next month.

Sheena is this week looking at advertising, planning has begun for the pre-show magazine in advance of The Fertility Show - if you're interested in advertising do contact Sheena -

Susan is working on a All Party Parliamentary Group on Infertility (APPGI) report for the next issue of the magazine, as well as continuing to work with the media on funding stories following last weeks publication, don't forget you can still access the full APPGI Report here

Sharon has also been working with NIAC on IVF funding in Northern Ireland and meeting with regional members of More To Life to raise awareness fo the valuable work put in by the local volunteers and support group.  Sharon is also attending a Facebook training session  - we're hoping to see more of her on the I N UK, MTL & ACeBabes facebook pages, if you've not yet 'Liked' us you can do see using the links below:

I N UK!/pages/Infertility-Network-UK/201370049892442
I N Scotland!/pages/Infertility-Network-Scotland/110398088995644
More To Life!/pages/More-To-Life/153493458044957

Fiona is following up a new venue offer for the Omagh support group and organising a speaker for the next Belfast group and working with local volunteers to continue to raise awareness of the support available in Northern Ireland.

We are in the recruitment process for the Regional Organiser posts in England - please do see the Find a Friend forum for informaiton on local get togehter - or why not suggest your own!

I am delighted to say the Monday night virtual support group continues to be a welcome source of support to all our members - wherever they are, everyone is welcome to drop in to a facilitated chat between 8 and 9pm each Monday.  The chatrooms are also open 24/7 so can be used at any time to find online support and chat from others who understand.

We're still looking for blogging buddies to come forward to help set up a infertility community blog on our new HealthUnlocked site - if you are interested do get in touch with Tracey -

Gwenda had a funding focus to the start of the week but has also worked with regional media following the launch of a new patient online service, she has also been working with a regional fundraiser and attending a funding training day in Glasgow.  

Claire is editing the next issue of the magazine, working with ACeBabes articles for a future newsletter and working on the next More To Life newsletter too.  We'd still love to hear from you for future publications - especially men! It would be great to hear from male therpaists working in infertility too - if you're interested in submitting a male factor infertility professional article do get in touch with Claire -

And don't forget it's not just in print we want our menfolk to feel more included.  We offer additional usernames to partners to enable access to the online community - this goes for same sex couples too.  You just need to email Tracey your preferences and you'll soon be ready to access support, advice & information online too.

As always - we are your charity, working to make experiencing infertility less difficult.  We welcome your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, complaints, irritations and comments, if you'd like to share your views about how we can improve the services we offer then do get in touch. 

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

What an exciting week...

Well this week got off to an incredibly busy start with the publication yesterday of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infertility.

You can access links to the full report, the National Infertility Awareness Campaign's Press Satetement and a selction of media articles on our news feed by clicking here.

Clare had a busy start to the week participating in several conference calls and attending the press briefing for the report launch.  It was a great to have her on hand to participate in several TV and radio interviews as well as being able to answer questions form jounralists.

Clare is assisting with Rachel, the Chair of the Board of Trustees in interviewing for new members of staff to join the team later this week too.  We're looking forward to welcoming some new faces.

Susan has been chasing her tail helping find case studies, for the launch of the new male fertility test at the weekend and for the report - don't forget if at any time you think you'd like to be more involved with our media work you're welcome to assist in any way  - do get in touch with Susan.  You don't always have to use your real name or provide a photograph, we always looking to expand our database of media friendly contacts.

We continue to look at ways to raise awareness that the support offered is equally available to men and women  - for that reason several members of staff took part in a conference call this morning.  We'd love to hear your ideas too!

But if you're a man reading our blog, following us on twitter or 'liking' the facebook page - please do share how we can improve things.  Get in touch here

Sheena has attended a meeting at the Scottish Parliament with Gwenda and been looking at additional funding streams.  Gwenda has been planning ahead looking at future support group meetings in Ayrshire and Arran as well as promoting the Lanarkshire group.

Sharon has been working with the media too, speaking to the BBC about the new male fertility test and with Fiona has also attended a meeting with the Fertility Counselling Service. Sharon is attending the Omagh support group this week and Fiona is attending the Derry group. 

Claire has been putting together the next magazine, several members have shared how helpful they find the professional articles written or adapted to be easier understood by anyone interested in infertility.  So if you work professionally in the field of infertility and would like to write for a future edition of the magazine please do get in touch.  Claire would love to hear from you to share the guidelines for writing for us. email Claire here

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

What we're up to - week commencing 30th May 2011...

It's a bit quiet here this week, Clare our Chief Executive and Sharon our NI Regional Organiser are both on annual leave, we hope they're having fun!  Susan our Communications Officer is also absent this week as she's on Jury Service, but everyone else is as busy as ever, especially answering questions about regional funding eligibility, if you're unsure of what is provided by your PCT or Health Board do see the Funding For Fertility section of the website.  Use the regional map to find your area - and you can compare your adjacent regions too.  If you've found a significant diffrence in funding and want assistance in highlighting that locally through the media do email Susan, she will be checking emails regularly and would love to hear from you.

Gwenda is attending the Lanarkshire Support Group meeting and may also be attending the Access Criteria Group meeting in Glasgow with Sheena.  Gwenda is also going to be meeting with a new regional fertility counsellor and finalising reports to be published.

Fiona is working with the three NI support groups, promoting the groups and planning ahead to invite speakers.  She is also taking member calls whilst Sharon is on leave.

Sheena is looking at ways to promote Legacy Giving as well as revamping the fundraising section on all three sites, you can download the Legacy Giving information booklet here; as ever we'd love to hear your fundraising ideas and suggestions.  Do get in touch with Sheena if you'd like to get involved.

Claire is currently working on the next edition of the I N UK Members Magazine and Tracey is working on the next eNewsletter.  Do join now to make sure you receive your magazine and you can sign up for the eNewsletter on the homepage.

As always do get in touch with your questions, suggestions or feedback.

Have a good week