Thursday, 26 May 2011

What we're up to - week commencing 23rd May

Exciting times are ahead!

Clare and Tracey attended a meeting with HealthUnlocked yesterday to discuss the next steps in extending our online resources to everyone experiencing infertility. 

Our HealthUnlocked resource will not replace our website or forums where additional changes are taking place soon, but will instead provide different ways of connecting with others in similar situations, finding and sharing information and keeping up to date with what's happening at Infertility Network UK, More To Life & ACeBabes.

If you'd like to be involved do get in touch with Tracey who will give you more information.  You  don't need to be a member of I N UK. We're here to help everyone and want anyone interested to have the opportunity to help to get it right for you!

Clare has been working on the PCT project this week, looking at next steps in the project.  As you are possibly aware we've also been recruiting lately so Clare is shortlisting and preparing to interview candidates who we hope will be joining the team soon.

Susan has been working with the media, helping to find case studies for several journalists.  If you have or are living with infertility and would be willing to help with our campaigning for increased awareness of infertility by sharing your story then do get in touch with Susan.  You won't be contacted by anyone from the press directly, you will have the opportunity to say no and you decide what you can do and when. 

Gwenda's week has a support focus - meeting with and speaking to support groups for conditions that can go alongside infertility, new regional groups are currently being set up so do keep an eye on the forums if you're in Scotland. 

This week is Helene's last week with Infertility Network UK, she will be much missed by the team and her regional  members. We all wish her happiness for the future.

Sheena has been busy working on revamping the fundraising information for all parts of the charity.  It's great that we now are signed up with both JustGiving & BT MyDonate.  If you'd like to fundraise or donate to  Infertility Network UK, More To Life or ACeBabes you can do so under the banner of Infertility Network UK using either site to create your own fundraising page.  We will also create a web page for you on the I N UK site/s of your choice and help to promote your event or initiative.

Diane who runs the Professional Advice Line (PAL) is on leave next Monday and Wednesday, but members can add their questions to the PAL forum and replies will be sent when she returns. We hope she has a super break.

Sharon, like the rest of the team, has been writing up her report for the next magazine, she has also been planning ACeBabes events and working on IVF funding.  Sharon is away next week, we hope the sun shines for her.

Fiona has been working with support groups for I N UK and MTL, she's looking at ways to raise the profile of the MTL group, on the website and through our social networks.

Don't foget you can follow all parts of the charity on twitter:

We hope you all have a good Bank Holiday weekend

Monday, 23 May 2011

Infertility in the news

On the reasons some people are going to Denmark for donor sperm

'The Baby Business' Lord Winston Accuses Some Clinics of Overcharging

Many people have their own views about creating 'saviour siblings' to help save lives. Like most other issues, perhaps it's only when you yourself are in that position that you can understand the difficulties faced by couples: similar in some ways to IVF - if you haven't had problems conceiving you can't imagine the heartbreak that can cause.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Could you talk to the Independent today?

The independent are doing a feature on infertility and looking at the high costs charged by some of the private clinics - if you could do a telephone interview today and supply a photograph could you please email me
Many thanks

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

What we're up to, week commencing May 16th 2011...

I'll begin this week with an apology; our Spring magazine featured an article on Fundraiser of the Year and mistakenly referred to “Volunteer of the Year” and not “Fundraiser of the Year” in the final paragraph where it outlined that the award would be made at The Fertility Show in London on 4th/5th November.

This award is solely for fundraisers, although the charity is currently recruiting a full time Volunteer Coordinator through a grant from the Department of Health and will indeed be reintroducing our award for Volunteer of the Year in due course, which will be in addition to the Fundraiser of the Year award.

I N UK genuinely value all volunteers and fundraisers who do sterling work for the charity and apologise for any confusion the article may have caused.

Last week Tracey attended the launch of the HealthUnlocked Tracker on Thursday.  We are working with HealthUnlocked introducing a new online community blog site to coincide with some big changes to the website.  Do sign up for our eNewsletter to be kept up to date with forthcoming plans!

If you're an infertility blogger and think you'd like to know more then do get in touch with Tracey.

Clare has already attended funding meetings this week and has a full week with conference calls for Fertility Europe and meetings with European medical professionals as well as meeting with one of our Trustees and a member of the More To Life Steering Committee.

Sheena is working on a National Infertility Awareness Campaign survey, we'll be asking you to please go online to complete it soon!  Sheena along with Gwenda also attended a meeting of the National Infertility Group yesterday in Edinburgh and is participating in a conference call with Susan and Tracey tomorrow to decide on plans to update the fundraising section on the website.  We're always keen to hear your suggestions, as always do get in touch with any ideas.

Gwenda's focus this week after attending the NIG Meeting is on venue hunting in Lanarkshire, researching & writing a magazine article and drawing up an agenda for a management committee meeting.  And in between that there's other admin tasks to do too.

Sharon is out and about visiting three clinics this week and on Saturday is heading off to Oxford Island for the NI AceBabes Family Day.  We all hope the sun shines for them.

Fiona is venue hunting too, this time on Omagh, rescheduling a support group meeting and following up on tasks from the MTL meeting.   

Susan is exploring possible future patient training events, workshops that equip patients with information to use when appealling for NHS funded treatment.  Susan has also been working on this years Fertility Show and on an ACeBabes project to have relevant and useful information on our YouTube channel.

We hope you all have a good week, do get in touch any time, we're here to help.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Infertility is a condition the NHS can't afford to treat !!

Infertility is distressing, says M Pemberton, but it’s a condition the NHS can ill-afford to treat .

In his column he suggests infertility is 'not a disease' and quotes 'Thirty years ago, the tragedy of infertility was something that individuals and couples had to come to terms with.' although he doesn't address the fact that thirty years ago many medical conditions were something people had to live with until science found a way to treat them.

Let us have your thoughts on his views ......

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Monday, 9 May 2011

Media request - can you help?

‘Channel 4 is looking for couples to take part in a new television programme called ‘I’ll Do Anything to Have a Baby’. They would like to find couples who are trying to get pregnant, have been down every avenue to conceive and are willing to try anything to have a baby. The documentary will follow 3 different couples, the difficulties they face, the lengths they have already been to, and what options they have for the future. Anyone who is interested in taking part, please contact Imogen on 0207 156 6916 or email‘.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

New TV Series

A new television series starts tonight on BBC One, using computer animation to describe human physiology and anatomy. The first episode details human biological creation.

Clip: The sperm production line (BBC iPlayer, 02:50 mins)

Clip: Sperm attacked by the immune system (BBC iPlayer, 01:13 mins)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Your Views on Unfair Access to NHS Fertility Treatment

A report is currently being compiled by a Westminster MP on the lack of implementation of full funding for fertility treatment. We need some patient comments to be included in the report on the postcode lottery, PCT eligibility criteria, cuts in funding etc and the comments can be anonymous. There will be no need to speak to the press, you would only have to send me your brief personal account in around 200-400 words.
This is a real chance to put your comments to the politicians so please email me None of your information will be passed on other than that included in your personal account.

Many thanks


Tuesday, 3 May 2011

What we're up to week commencing 2nd May...

It's always great coming back to work after a long weekend, there's always plenty to be getting on with and lots to do.  This week we're putting together the next eNewsletter and members will soon be receiving their latest magazine. 

But it's not just about member publications, Diane is back on Wednesday when the PAL - Professional Advice Line will re-open between 10am and 4pm.  Before then all members can leave information & advice requests for Diane on the PAL forum.  We have PAl's for all parts of the charity - so in moving on to ACeBabes or More To Life you're still able to access factual advice & professional support.

Clare has had to hit the ground running this week as her day got off to a busy start with two conference calls in quick succession this morning with another this afternoon.  Clare's travelling down to London later in the week with meetings with Government Departments and then spending Friday at our Head Office in Bexhill.

Claire is already preparing for the next members magazine and More To Life newsletter, she'd love ot have more member experiences to share, so if you're keen to see your story in print do please get in touch with Claire.  Claire is also receiving applications for the current vacancies at I N UK - there is still time to apply!

Sheena is now back from annual leave and is looking at ways to improve benefits to members and in ways to work more closely with our advertisers.  If you're interested in supporting I N UK or in advertising in the magazine or on the website then do get in touch with Sheena

Helene is working with regional clinics to ensure there all have supplies of patient information leaflets; we aim to be easy to find for anyone needing support. It's also Helene's birthday this week, we hope she has a super time!

Fiona is currently organising future support events and following up on information requests and Sharon is iff to a NI Assembly Elections Hustings Event. It is so important to get to know and work with politicians; having the opportunity to hear their views at an early stage can make a big difference. Sharon is also looking at regional funding and Grant applications.

If you'd like to know more about any aspect of our work - please do get in touch!  And please do remember we are MUCH more than a website :)

Hope you have a good week!

IVF With a Gentle Touch

There is an interesting article in the Independent about low dose or natural IVF, with particular relevance to those with a high FSH level

Interesting reading,